Mrs Seymour took nine Year 8 girls to Airbus last week where the Engineering giant, joined forces with Bristol University to hold its inaugural Aerospace Day.

Hosted by the university's Faculty of Engineering, dozens of Year 8 girls from five secondary schools came together to learn about the benefits of STEM subjects and the jobs which they can lead to.

During the day the students learnt about aeronautics, aeroplane design and leant to fly a plane in a in a static flight simulator.

Professor Ian Lane, Airbus senior technical expert and university ambassador said: "The day went really well. It was great to see the enthusiasm of the students on the day as well giving them the chance to meet women engineers from Airbus who were excellent ambassadors for the business and for engineering as a career choice."

Mrs Seymour has said that this was a rewarding and challenging day for the girls, with two Marlwood students winning the design challenge.

Well done to all who attended.


The latest version of our Newsletter is available on the School Website under the 'news' tab or you can follow the link below:
The Newsletter for Term 4 gives you an insight into activities which have taken place during the term and also lists future events for your information.


The Second Marlwood Spelling Bee has been won by Scott Smith from Year 10 and Berkeley House. It was a closely contested affair with the three other finalists pushing him all the way.   As always, everyone is a winner and each contestant received a certificate and a prize for taking part.  It was also lovely to have last year’s winner (Yolanda Joseph-Guy) present to pass the cup to Scott. His name will now join hers on the permanent trophy. All the finalists took home fantastic prizes donated by our preferred partners: Linela Ltd, NFU Mutual and The Thornbury Lions Club. There was music from some of our very talented musicians to entertain the audience and, between heats, parents and guests were able to take part in a difficult spelling quiz, purchase young adult fiction from a book stall and try their luck with a raffle for a huge box of Easter chocolate. Delicious refreshments were provided by Year 11 pupils, raising money for their trip to Peru.  Two sixth formers, Jai Das and Megan Edwards, ably presented the evening.

A key ingredient for the success of this event grows from the collaboration of the English and Literacy Faculty, the Science Faculty, the Music, Art and Drama Departments, Ms Carrington (Library Resource Manager), sixth form students and all the technical teams, working together for excellence, and we are already beginning to plan for next year.


We are pleased to announce an exciting development in regards to the futures of Marlwood and Severn Beach schools.

From September 2016 the two schools will work together to provide an excellent education for young people aged 4 – 18 in our community.

This development builds upon the excellent relationship between the two schools as partners within the Marlwood School cluster and Castle School Education Trust (CSET).

Severn Beach will remain a distinct and separate school but will have a much closer working relationship with Marlwood School. The aim of this development is to improve the experience for all children. Mr Pope will become Executive Headteacher overseeing both schools.

There will be opportunities through the summer term for the community to come together with the staff of the school in preparation for the beginning of the next academic year.

We are sure that these exciting developments will be received positively by our communities.


On Tuesday Mrs Gill and Mrs Carrington took 15 students to the Concorde Book Awards which was held in Emersons Green.  The event was a huge success and enjoyed by all.

The shortlisted books for the awards are listed below and are highly recommended reads: 

·         The Fearless, Emma Pass
·         Apple and Rain, Sarah Crossen
·         Terror Kid, Benjamin Zephaniah
·         Wild Boy, Rob Lloyd Jones
·         She is not Invisible, Marcus Sedgewick 
·         Would the real Stanley Carrot please stand up?

The winner of this year's award was Emma Pass for The Fearless - a gripping dystopian tale.

We have met as a reading group once a week since October, diligently reading the six shortlisted books for the award.  We also made numerous contributions to the Concorde Blog during this time.  Our efforts were rewarded last night, when we were presented with the Blogging Award (A Bristol Blue Glass paperweight) at the event.  It was chosen for the quality of the blogs written, including how we interacted with other schools, our opinions on language used in books and how we compared some of the books to others we had read.  The award was collected from guest author Cavan Scott by Bethan Jenkinson and Melodi Bending.

Concorde Book Award Blog link

Congratulations to all involved!

Thank you to all parents/carers who attended Parent Consultation 2 on Thursday 3rd March.  Many of you commented on how valuable you found the conversation in helping you to understand your child as a learner.  We have since had a steady supply of feedback by e-mail with the majority reinforcing the view that the event was very useful.  You have made a number of suggestions that you feel would develop the evening further.  These will be taken into consideration by the staff working party.

Information was available to parents in the LRC when they signed in and is also available via the links below if you would like to take a closer look:

The Guinness World Record attempt Marlwood took part in achieved a new World Record with 6,388 participants taking book quizzes simultaneously (from 62 schools, libraries, publishers and bookshops). 
Well done to students in Year’s 7, 8 and 9 for their participation and Mrs Carrington for organising the event!!

Parent Consultation Day was held on World Book Day this year, so parents were invited to "Take the Pledge" to encourage their children to read for 20 minutes every day.  There are many published reports showing the benefits of regular reading, including increased vocabulary, motivation, imagination, and greater success in all subjects, including maths.  We would like to encourage ALL of our students to read for pleasure for 20 minutes every day.

Jamie Curtis was the lucky winner of tickets for Bristol Rugby -v- Cornish Pirates game at Ashton Gate on Sunday.  He has also been invited to the Fanzone to meet some of the players and join in the Reading Passport celebrations for this year's Read XV Festival of Rugby.  His name was selected from a hardworking group who have achieved 100% attendance this year to date and consistently show a good attitude to their work.


On the evening of 9th March 2016, Marlwood School will hold its second ever Spelling Bee.  This promises to be a really exciting event and is being supported by members of the local business community.  Students took part in tutor competitions in order to find a worthy winner from each group who will then take part in a series of heats during the evening until we have our Marlwood Spelling Champion.  As well, there will be performances from some of our talented musicians and a display of ‘spelling bees’ from a DART Faculty competition.   Our Literacy Leaders and Ambassadors will be delighted to welcome parents, friends and family who are all invited to attend this annual celebration of spelling excellence at Marlwood.

Growth Mindset at Marlwood

For the past few months we have been exploring the ideas around this simple but positive approach to improving learning.  In our lessons, assemblies and displays we have been promoting effort as a personal quality, building resilience in learners and celebrating mistakes as excellent learning opportunities.  Recent research studies have shown that consistently emphasising these qualities assists in developing more independent and resilient learners.
We shared some of these thoughts at our Parents' Consultation Evening and we offer these links for those of you who wish to know more.
Here are a number of short articles explaining the origins of Growth Mindset
This site attempts to use some graphics to separate Fixed Mindset thinking from that of Growth Mindset
Here is a summary of the precepts behind Growth Mindset thinking